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Hong Kong Spill Response Company Ltd (HKSR) establishes partnership with Aqua-Guard

Posted on April 10, 2013  |  23423 Views

Hong Kong Spill Response Company Ltd (HKSR) has established a partnership with Aqua-Guard Spill Response Inc. on June 28th, 2012. Since then, HKSR has been successfully promoting Aqua-Guard products and services in the Chinese marketplace.

HKSR Technology has recently won a tender issued by the Hainan Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) for the supply of large scale Aqua-Guard Oil Skimming systems with RBS TRITON ™technology.
These skimming systems have been proven in hundreds of actual oil spills and industrial sites worldwide and have oil recovery rates and efficiencies witnessed by DNV and ABS to ASTM standards.

Using Aqua-Guard’s patented technology (RBS TRITON™ U.S. 7,303,688), HKSR will ensure the best in technical support and service to the customer. Hong Kong Spill Response Co. Ltd. and Aqua-Guard are happy to contribute to improving to the environmental solutions capability of China's Maritime Safety Administration.