

Aqua-Guard offers full on-site training and commissioning services designed to help you lessen the impact and incurred costs in the event of an oil spill... [ more ]


Coronavirus Update

Posted on May 21, 2020 by Cameron Janz  |  2932 Views


The past several months have been extremely difficult for many due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Aqua-Guard Spill Response has diligently ensured measures are in place to protect the life safety and security of our team, clients and suppliers.  We continue to follow the recommendations of credible sources such as our Provincial Health Officer, Health Canada and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Even though Aqua-Guard, deemed an essential service, is currently operating as per "normal", our thoughts and actions are directed towards the welfare of our loved ones and fellow human beings.

We are extremely grateful for our dedicated staff's ability to maintain all aspects of our business while strictly adhering to physical distancing and cleanliness protocols.

Aqua-Guard would like to specifically recognize and thank our frontline health-care workers in North Vancouver and Coquitlam for their sacrifices and for keeping our communities safe.

We are all in this together. In the words of Dr. Bonnie Henry, "be calm, be kind, be safe".

Cameron Janz
Chief Executive Officer

About Aqua-Guard

Aqua-Guard provides a range of state-of-the-the-art oil spill response solutions including the URO Skimmer System and the RBS TRITON™ range of oil skimmers—all built on Aqua-Guard’s patented RBS TRITON™ technology to deliver some of the highest efficiency and recovery rates in the industry.