

Aqua-Guard offers full on-site training and commissioning services designed to help you lessen the impact and incurred costs in the event of an oil spill... [ more ]


Demo week for Large URO 300 Off-Shore Oil Skimming System January 19-23, 2015

Posted on December 9, 2014 by Cameron Janz  |  6644 Views

Aqua-Guard will be hosting another Demo week for our Large URO 300 Off-Shore Oil Skimming System in January. We would like to invite you to visit Vancouver to see one of our large machines in action.

These oil skimming systems are specifically designed for use onboard Offshore Support Vessels and are equipped with Aqua-Guard's patented RBS TRITON™ oil skimming technology.

The Demo will be held in Vancouver from January 19, 2015 – January 23, 2015.
Facility tours may also be provided by request.

Attendants are encouraged to invite anyone they feel could benefit from this demonstration.

Please RSVP to demos@aquaguard.com or call Steven Mo at our office +1-604-980-4899 (ext. 2006)

The following link contains demo equipment information,

All the best of the Season and we hope to see you there!

About Aqua-Guard

Aqua-Guard provides a range of state-of-the-the-art oil spill response solutions including the URO Skimmer System and the RBS TRITON™ range of oil skimmers—all built on Aqua-Guard’s patented RBS TRITON™ technology to deliver some of the highest efficiency and recovery rates in the industry.